These pages will give you all the information you need to successfully raise money for our wonderful Hospice.
To get you started:
Fill in our fundraising registration form and let us know what you are planning to do so that we can help you along your way.
Take a look at our 'Top Tips' and Fundraising Key Information packs, both of which will help you get the best out of your efforts and really enjoy your fundraising journey.
Download and print a copy of our official sponsorship form to help you to raise money for the care of patients at the Hospice. Or get in touch and we'll send you printed copies.
You can also contact our Fundraising Team for any help and advice.
We need your help so we can be there - on the end of the phone, in our local community and providing the highest standard of care for patients and their families each and every day.
From a monthly donation, to running a marathon, to a gift in your Will, there are so many ways you can make a difference.
You can pay in the money you’ve raised in a number of different ways
Find out moreThere are lots of ways you can fundraise in memory of a loved one.
Find out moreHold a bake sale, sponsored walk or come up with your own challenge!
Find out moreDonate your pre-loved clothes and furniture to our charity shops
Find out more